Apr 23Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Great interview. For most of my earlier life, I had no idea of the benefits of D3. For years now, I've been taking at least 10,000 IU's per day. In my area of Southern BC, we don't get a lot of sun these days, due to the skies being sprayed almost on a daily basis. Even in the absence of real clouds such as cumulus, the sky is covered by the typical greyish/white haze, after those trails spread out to cover the entire sky. My point here, is that we don't get much sun anymore, so everyone "should" be supplementing with vitamin D.

Dr. Trozzi; thank you for the caution concerning "sun screen/blockers". When I was younger and we had lots of sun, I never went out without rubbing that "stuff" all over my body. After a couple of decades of dedicated research, I discovered that those "lotions" contained ingredients that are carcinogenic! How's that for irony! From the time I was around 60, I've had three incidents of Squamous Cell Carcinoma; and just for the record, in each case, I told the doctors that it was cancer. Long story short; after doing biopsies, they all agreed with me! Just try telling anyone that the cancer wasn't caused by the sun - but by the "sunscreen"!

BTW: for people who have taken control of their own health; it's easy to spot the people who are sick and getting sicker (apart from their physical appearance), just by observing what they are throwing into their shopping carts/baskets. Every time I shop for groceries, I estimate that at least half of those carts/baskets don't even have one item from the produce department! What I see most of, are carts/baskets full of soft drinks, chips, fake "ice cream", TV dinners, etc.. Also, in the past couple of years, I've been seeing more and more people in wheelchairs and using assisted walking devices such as canes and "walkers". Society continues to grow sicker and sicker...just the way Big Agri and Big Pharma like it!

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I LOVE your approach and observations. I feel a kindred spirit.

Years ago, I was hip to their scam on spf. Its toxic thru and thru and it only spreads more FEAR. And as for grocery shopping, me too. I stick to the perimeter to avoid, again, more toxic junk. Dr. T is a blessing like all the other brave docs who stood up against their tyranny.

Find your tribes.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

For anyone not clear on what my use of the word "spraying" refers to; it's this phenomenon that's been going on for the past 75 years in one form or another (these are some of the photos that I've taken):



BTW: I just returned from my bike ride and now the sky is totally covered in that haze. It's been less than two hours before the coverage began!

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So very true , most fill these huge carts with NOTHING I WOULD EVER EAT and its not really even food and filled with toxic stuff , same for cosmetics and now even health supplement products . When we ALLOW a handful of giant corporation who are all dedicated to humanities extermination to OWN and Control everything , what would you expect? They will not stop this until we collectively stop them. There are less than 3000 billionaires controlling all this , with lots of mind controlled minions collaborating under them and there are how many billion humans facing extermination at their hands ? Seems like an easy equation dont you think? ONLY IF WE ACT UPON IT!

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It's not "food". It's food-like substances! I would add; what I learned many years ago, was that the Cosmetics industry is the only industry where the "ingredients" aren't regulated! I wonder how many people even give a thought to the ingredient "fragrance". It's in personal care products, household cleaner products and many other products.

"- 3,224 fragrance ingredients used for odor or malodor coverage"


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Im very aware of all this that is why I made my comment I just heard that Chick a File fast food or whatever , that has been making people sick has some products with more that 450 ingredients most of which you cant spell , dont know what they bare and are industrial toxic things , great

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Here's one you might like:

Once, while shopping, I saw a woman pick up a jar of "Kraft Peanut Butter". I warned her that it wasn't real peanut butter and was full of toxic GMO ingredients. She read the label, then threw it into her cart!

BTW: I've also told countless people that "Peanut Butter" should only contain one ingredient - DUH!

Here's the Kraft marketing BS:

"Kraft, voted most trusted Peanut Butter brand, based on the 2024 BrandSpark® Canadian Trust Study.* Kraft Smooth Peanut Butter is a family favourite and a Canadian classic. With our signature delicious, nutty flavour and irresistible, creamy texture, Kraft Smooth Peanut Butter is made with high quality dry-roasted peanuts to bring out the best flavour and aroma. Try Kraft Peanut Butter on toast, sandwiches and fruits or vegetables. Our smooth peanut butter is also great for using in sauces, marinades, smoothies, cookies and other pastries. Or, you can eat our tasty peanut butter by the spoonful as a quick snack! Kraft Peanut Butter is Canada's favourite Peanut Butter, and is proudly prepared in Canada. Make Together, Stick Together. *Kraft, voted most trusted Peanut Butter brand by Canadian shoppers based on the 2024 BrandSpark® Canadian Trust Study."

There, you have the Fraud, Lies, Deception and Illusion.

Here, you have the truth:



This is one of the reasons why I often make reference to The Zombie Apocalypse.

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They should be sued for fraud and lose their business license NOTHING KRAFT makes is safe I think we really should pursue this taking away the business licenses from all these companies involved in POISONING and Depopulation , THOSE ARE PROVABLE CRIMES STILL, Starting with Blackrock/Vanguard, it should be way easier that trying to go through corrupted courts and can be done on local and state or Provincial level.

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I learned many years ago, to avoid all "Brand Name" products!

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Apr 23Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I'll never forget the day out federal minister of health, Patty Hajdu, was being grilled in the house of commons about not promoting Vit D. Her response is that it was fake news.

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Apr 23Liked by Dr M Trozzi

More nefarious and corrupt behavior from our elected leaders... surprise, surprise.

Doc, you are a TREASURE to not only Ontarians but all Canadians!

Thank you, most sincerely ♡♡♡

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Just a note about vitamin D3 supplements: their active ingredient is cholecalciferol, the manufactured form of which has a non-trivial hazardous materials profile for inhalation, skin absorption and/or ingestion. In fact, in concentrated and commercial quantities, its principal use is as a rodenticide.

Obviously, as a supplement, we’re looking at far smaller dosages; but quantities can linger and can accumulate over time. So, perhaps other, natural sources might be more advisable, e.g., sun exposure, mushrooms (safe, wild varieties in particular), egg yolks, fatty fish (such as wild salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies) and/or UVB lighting (no more than 15 mins per day).

Ref: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/5280795

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Because when peoples has what they need, be food, shelter and so on and they're happy... they need nothing! They have it already. Now that's an issue for the elites. why? Because they're not making any money. So take away what people needs and or just destroy it and the rebuilding will make them money. So! the trick for them is that. Take away from the people what they need, make it often scarce and then people will demand it. The elites moto is... ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. Chaos they create, crisis they create and war they create, and now they also create sicknesses to create pandemics and all that just to make money... it's always about money.

You want a better world? get rid of what's killing life on earth and life will be back.

MONEY IS KILLING ALL LIFE ON THIS PLANET IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, NO EXCEPTION and yet! money has become more important than life itself, regardless that money is not even a living thing and it does come from a living tree. Kill trees to create a lifeless thing with a number on it and make it more important than anything else on this planet is what the elites manage to brainwash all humans into believing that money is a necessity for living?????

It is because of money that our Canadian government is doing everything it can to take away from us the natural products so big pharma and the medical system keeps making it's monies even if their products don't work because of being more of a sick care management system than an health care management. When will the people see??? The medical system was created by Rockefeller, one of the elites family. People who could care less for us. This medical system is a complete fraud.

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Apr 23Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you for this excellent presentation. The last time I checked my D level it was 318 nmol/L and the last time mi wife had her's tested it was 487 nmol/L. I'm 76 years young and have never been on any type of long-term medication. I also haven't had a flu or fever in probably 25 - 30 years. I haven' had any needles in my arm, except for blood test, since 2009. I went to Nepal in 2009 and needed a Yellow Fever shot to go.

I was fortunate that my family doctor, for over 40 years, was a D expert. He studied it for 35 years of his practice. I preach to everyone I meet to take at least 5,000 to 10,000 IU's a day. Personally I take more than that.

Thank you again for this interview!!!❤️❤️❤️

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Apr 23Liked by Dr M Trozzi

According to this scientist we also need trace amounts of lithium for healthy brain function, as all mammals do , but, according to Health Canada humans do not need this mineral. DUH! https://rumble.com/v4n47dc-the-indoctrinated-brain-tucker-carlson-interviews-dr.-michael-nehls.html

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Apr 23Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Vitamin D enthusiast!

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Apr 23Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I've said it many times: Covid will go down as the greatest Con Job in history! There never was a "pandemic". There was/is the FEAR of a pandemic. It was a Plandemic that was already planned years before 2020. If someone wants to roll out global agendas that under normal circumstances would never get off the ground; the only way is to CREATE a global "crises"/emergency, which would either be global conflict or a global pandemic.

It was never about some cold virus that has been around forever and definitely not to "protect" anyone's health. It is a means to an end and that "end" is the agendas of the WHO, WEF and UN, whose goal it is to control everything on the planet, including natural resources and all of humanity!

Dr. Trozzi even told us that his "covid designated" hospital wards were empty during the "wave" of "covid patients" that was supposed to overwhelm all the hospitals. People were NOT dying from "covid", unless their immune system was already seriously compromised; then any cold or flu could finish them off.

The "numbers" were a total lie! We were even told that the seasonal cold and flu "disappeared" for two years, due to "the covid vaccine protecting people so well"! The PCR test (that can't even tell a person if he/she is infected with anything) was used, incorrectly to inflate the numbers with "False Positives". Then; we had thousands of people "testing positive" for the phantom virus and having to "Quarantine" for 7-10 days (whatever); then, at the end of their "lockdown", they were "free" to go about their business. Not once, did I hear of ANY of those people actually being SICK! They were "told" that they were "infected", implying that they were sick - and none of them were sick!

BTW: A person who is NOT sick CANNOT make another person sick - only in Big Pharma's dreams!

How difficult can it be to see that the entire population of the planet was duped? Also; hospitals were paid huge sums of $$$ to label every admission a "covid" admission and every death (no matter what the cause) a "covid" death. I could go on and on; how obvious can it get? Every aspect of the covid PsyOps was/is a lie. All of the mandates; lockdowns, distancing, masks, was nothing more than a psychological operation to determine how easy it would be to con the masses and get them to comply with idiotic and insane orders! Now they know!

That being said; the next Plandemic is ready and waiting in the wings.

How many healthy people realize that throughout this alleged pandemic - they didn't get sick at all. I'm talking about those, such as myself who never took any injection and any other healthy person before they took the injection. I'm STILL not sick...what are the odds! Perhaps this "Deadly Virus" is afraid of "me"!

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Apr 23Liked by Dr M Trozzi

About: "We Will Destroy Your Health" Canada...If they cared one iota about the health of Canadians and if they even had a clue about what constitutes good health; they wouldn't be designating Artificial, Toxic (Excitotoxin) Sweeteners, such as Aspartame, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose, Sacharrin, etc. as "GRAS"!!! Always FOLLOW THE MONEY!

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Apr 23Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Should we take D with K2? What is the daily max K2 amount?

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Apr 23Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Anecdotal evidence by Dave Williams Quora: Yes, Vitamin K2 removes Calcium plaque from your blood vessels, joints (knees, hips, elbows, etc. ) and removes wrinkles from our faces. Twelve years ago my heart surgeon diagnosed me as severely calcified and gave me a year to live . I found articles on NIH PUBMED reporting on studies that proved VK2 put the Calcium in your bones where it belongs. I took 4 100mcg doses of VK2 3 times daily for 6 months. Then, a Heart CT Scan, a x-ray, showed all the calcium plaque was gone, my arteries were clear. Now 10 years later I am healthy 84 years old, enjoying life. Playing golf again. I still take VK2 daily. It works.

This is also consistent, but more positive, with what I have read.

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Thanks for your reply. That's wonderful!

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Just consume enough leafy vegetables concurrently; in the end, it is about healthy eating, really.

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I eat a huge amount of leafy greens each day.

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So that is your K supply already.

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Didn't the Quebec government eliminate Vit D in LTC facilities in 2019?

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https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-is-rat-poison-the-fraudulent?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 this article devastated my belief in Vit D I would like others opinions on this. I think natural sunshine may be the only safe source.

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Excellent interview

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Im creating a healthcare protocol using CYMATICS healing frequencies , does ANYONE know the frequency of VIT D so I can use this for those deficient in the nutrient or any other DATA BASE FOR NUTRIENTS AND SUPPLEMENTS , I have the basic know healing frequencies but not for a greater range of supplements and medicinal plants ect , I know this exists but cant locate now . SK

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I do not watch utube, so cannot say if it provides any useful info. Generally, bioresonance is about frequencies, so research in that direction might yield a result.

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Thank you so much BUT I NEED TO KNOW THE FREQUENCY OF THIS VIT D increasing treatment in HZ, does anyone know ? goldenguitarman777@gmail.com

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