“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders… and millions have been killed because of this obedience… Our problem is that people all over the world are obedient in the face of poverty, and starvation, and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. …

It’s time for the people of the west to rise up and eliminate their governments’ warmongering, fascist totalitarians before they kill us all.

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I'm looking forward to the change you propose. Earth got off to a bad start.

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Earth is fine. Worth fighting for. The leaders are the problem

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HOPE for Today - GOD bless you Dr. Trozzi & all others who have the Courage to continue to speak TRUTH to medical tyranny ...

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In regards to the C-19 jab, which I also knew was evil and made no sense and certainly not buying the propaganda, as my child as well was MMR vaccine injured and thus I have become a true "antivaxxer" and sharing my story and information so when there were those that said to me that I was not doing my part I said I sure am, "I am in the control group" as with any experiment we need those who are willing to be in that tough group and therefore did my part; however, treated very poorly for doing that. I too would never again inject anything into my body or those I care for, as if one injects one infects according to Dr. Judy Mikovits, all the poison is in the injection, this has gone one for at least 100 years, unbelievable. Thank you for being warriors of the light and soldiering on in this evil battle that continues the light.

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Thanks you two, I really needed that. Best from Oregon

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Dr. Vernon Coleman (MB, ChB, DSc, FRSA) wrote a book, 'Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe and Effective is Lying.' In it he writes of the mystery of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and how often this happens after infants receive their first vaccinations. Japan suspended these vaccinations until the 24th month of life, and the incidence of SIDS pretty much disappeared.

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Also, this..... In Canada, we have a hotline.....Trudeau's Canada Offers Toll-Free Assisted Dying Phone Hotline https://bradsalzberg.substack.com/p/trudeaus-canada-offers-toll-free

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Sure would be good to call up and get recordings of the suicide pushers and their tactics.

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In regards to the C-19 jab, which I also knew was evil and made no sense and certainly not buying the propaganda, as my child as well was MMR vaccine injured and thus I have become a true "antivaxxer" and sharing my story and information so when there were those that said to me that I was not doing my part I said I sure am, "I am in the control group" as with any experiment we need those who are willing to be in that tough group and therefore did my part; however, treated very poorly for doing that. I too would never again inject anything into my body or those I care for, as if one injects one infects according to Dr. Judy Mikovits, all the neurotoxins and autoimmune destroying stuff is in the injection, nothing that is helpful except for those that line their pockets and turn a deaf ear/blind eye to those injured or killed, this has gone on for at least 100 years, unbelievable. Thank you all for being warriors of the light and soldiering on in this evil battle that continues to be exposed by the light.

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💉”…we have shown that even by a conservative estimate the Covid shots had a higher fatality rate than Covid did.” ~ PANDA, 14 February 2024


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