You two are amazing! Thank you Dr.Trozzi and Ted. I love what you continue to bring to all of us.

Love and Blessings.

I want to include a reading From "The Awakened Heart" by Gerald May.

"There is a desire within each of us, in the deep center of ourselves that we call our heart. We were born with it, it is never completely satisfied, and it never dies. We are often unaware of it, but it is always awake. It is the human desire for love. Every person in this earth yearns to love, to be loved, to know love. Our true identity, our reason for being, is to be found in this desire ....

.... love is the 'why' of life: why we are functioning at all, what we want to be efficient for ... I am convinced it (love) is the fundamental energy of the human spirit, the fuel on which we run, the wellspring of our vitality. And grace, which is the flowing, creative activity of love itself, is what makes all goodness possible. Love should come first; it should be the beginning of and the reason for everything."

Sending you both love!

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Mar 24Liked by Dr M Trozzi

They are not elite. They are criminally rich.

Thank you for keeping track of the wins for us. I appreciate the time you spend to keep us up to date.

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Mar 24Liked by Dr M Trozzi

HOPE for Today - blessings to you Dr. Trozzi - thank you for being a true & courageous Truth Warrior ...

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Mar 25Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I'd like to make a point concerning the shortage of nurses and doctors. Yes; many were fired, or quit for refusing to take the mRNA injection. There are also many who have died, or become incapacitated after being injected with the mRNA bio-weapon! Personally; I believe that ADE is now kicking in and the number of dead and dying is going to increase exponentially - especially if those people take more shots for more "diseases"!

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Mar 24Liked by Dr M Trozzi

A teeny little comment - Andrew Bridgen MP didn't call for the death penalty. It's clear from what he said. BUT the press did a headline saying he did.....

Keep up your fantastic efforts 👍 always listen to everything you do. Looking forward to Part 2 with Shabnam - she's fantastic too! Will you do an interview with Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt please? 🙏

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Dr M Trozzi

"Woman's Sports" - Is that vague or ambiguous in any way? All of this insanity that we're seeing today, is part of a global agenda. Just like ConVid - it is all a means to an end. The agendas of the WHO, WEF and UN are being rolled out systematically and incrementally and only those who are fully awake and understand the "game" are able to see it.

I was looking at the "Sexual Exploitation of Children" page and it's important and accurate information. I have the video in my library and also the relevant PDFs from the WHO and UN. I've told people for over a year that these entities want to legalize pedophilia, and beyond! "Drag Queen Story Time" is a big part of this plan and the fact that the schools are allowing this sort of behavior in their kindergarten classes is SICK, SICK, SICK! You can find one of the PDFs here:


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Dear Dr Mark Trozzi and Mr Ted Kuntz;

A Million Thank-you's for everything you have both achieved on this Great Resist .

I will also look back into Take action Canada again.

How is that young man and his family doing that kept his restaurant open "Skelly" his last name ,I believe. I hope they are doing well.

God Bless you both. We are still taking "Them" on, on Vancouver Island. Piece by Piece, Paper by Paper and it is a Huge wake up call in PHOTOs thanks to Druther's news papers with the vxxed and injured and unfortunately photographs of deceased AND the new edition with the "Coutts 2 men" in prison. We're Flying flyers all over. Waking up the Neighbours!!!

Regards and God speed to you and your families. Rolonne Marie Ross.

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Thanks Rolonne. Adam Skelly is still in the court system.

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Mar 25Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I look forward to your Wins of the Week every Sunday. Thank you both for your dedication to sharing the truth. Any chance you would have the names/links to other vaccine choice/education groups in other countries? I know of ICAN and Children's Health Defense in the US however I wondered if there are groups in Latin American countries and in Europe?

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Latin America https://medicospelavidacovid19.com.br/

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Gracias! Gracias! I will pass this on to my Mexican friends.

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I see it is a group out of Rio de Janeiro but the site can be translated to English.

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Mar 25Liked by Dr M Trozzi

As much as we would love to see Gates and his "club" hang, you must remember, Dr. David Martin along with Karen Kingston's evidence means you MUST include the DOD. The DOD, Darpa and the Gates are holding hands on this one because it is BIOWEAPON, gain of function and needs a much more broader dire penalty. Bioweapon is much more than medical experimentation. The Intent has been proven. War upon the people of the whole world. !!!

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Awesome wins. Thank you for those with Maverick Courage to stand for truth and Justice.

We need the victimized doctors to criminally charge the medical Licencing Colleges for Crimes Against Humanity. This is for denying the doctors to give warnings on the Covid-19 mRNA or DNA injection (s).

If found guilty, and for denying Patient Consent to have Ivermectin and/or hydrocholquine treatments, then the silent majority members will pay off their percentage of the criminal charged fines given their College as it played a major part in endorsing harmful medical practices, and mandates. The Colleges were violating moral and ethical medical Oaths, do no harm.

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Mar 24Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Regarding the redacted document. There's no need to wonder why. Are people not aware that TURDeau makes money from every Pfizer and Moderna injection? Canada owns the patent on the "Lipid Nano-particles". Specifically; UBC, Arbutus Pharmaceuticals and Aquitas Therapeutics...of course, the Canadian gooberment has to get their cut! This is the same reason he refused to sit down and discuss covid with the Canadian Trucker Convoy - Nothing stops the MONEY TRAIN!

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Mar 24Liked by Dr M Trozzi

There are so many people working as hard as they possibly can, in order to save what "Rights and Freedoms" we have left. They deserve all the admiration and respect we can give them! This info needs to be shared wherever and whenever possible. There are far too many people who are still oblivious to the truth - about so many things.

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Mar 26Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Without a doubt - there must be the death penalty for those who committed these crimes and the trials should be conducted in a military court because it’s an attack on the country and no different than by an attack by a foreign army.

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Dear Mark Trozzi,

Here is a video that may spark some interest for you. This happened about 20 years ago with the Purdue Pharm.a group and what they did, fraudulently to the people of Canada and the U.S.A. There is an interesting part about 17: 56 min. into the film by the Fifth Estate. To do with CPSO>>>>>This was at one time a trusted news source from the CBC but this one is great (BACK THEN). Very familiar with this drug. I dodged a bullet and got something less addictive after knee surgery in 2011. I KNEW!! Here it IS >>> https://youtu.be/iNOHAJs9dBY?feature=shared

Take care and God Bless you and your Family. R. Marie Ross

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Thanks Rolonne!

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Well again I must point out who is in which cabal club. Kennedy is very very much in the Black Sun Bloodline club, lineage of Solomon, same as Netanyaho AND Trump. They are all related. Just as the 12 year old girl who researched all the President's lineage had pointed out in her research. These bloodlines do what they are told and will never disobey the family. In NY Court system you can find the documents that Trump paid out $30 million to the families of the 10 kids he raped. And the psychiatric report on Trump claims he has all signs and symptoms of pedophilia. I have seen these so they do exist.

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Lord help us! Thanks Deborah

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I would also point out that the Conservatives are working around the clock to bring in the worst slavery with Digital ID. While everyone is listening to Pierre's sound Bytes of distraction. Same club, same pattern.

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He is helping us in Thee Spirit of Truth. All things will be revealed. Too much at once is too overwhelming. I spent 40 years tracing this on all topics science, religion, spirituality etc. This spiritual War is 3 billion years old. God/Creator has won and as of April 8th 2024 the official Golden Age begins and the pure golden Light of Creator/God will flood all creation here with pure uninhibited pure pure Light. I would suggest Be calm, be still and expect a direct "phone call". My word is my bond. We must relearn that and all it means because our Creator's Word was His Bond. He kept it. Peace be with thee.

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I do not like to burst your bubble but Leslyn Lewis is hiding her own membership to the WEF. These guys do what they are told and that is either scripted to play good guy or bad guy. You must triple check and never take a career politician's word for it! Not ever!!! I have personally seen her name on the roster list 5 years ago. Same with Pierre Polievre.

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I'll have to go back to the way back machine. I thought she was clean. Thanks Deborah

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