The medical system is an Industry that was created by Rockefeller to become a sick care system, particularly in the western world where we are all under capitalism... not democracy. Democracy is a big illusion that was yet again created by the elites through a political system that was also created by them. And so, when you live in this kind of world like here in Canada, the medical (sick) care system that is here would always needs to have sick people to make this industry of health (sick) care money. Remember these industries no matter what that is, always have shareholders that they need to make money for. This system exist only to make money off the sick people's back and that's why people never heal from those meds and mostly, always end up with a cocktail of pills. Keep in mind that all meds from them are always experimental. One question I have. Why pharma uses Fluoride for those who has mental health issues? In the 50's it has been proven to affect our body on a cellular level and yet it is still around and use in meds, along with many different venom and other dangerous chemical products.

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Thanks Christiane. I will interview Dr Bob Dickson soon to elaborate on the important flouride issues that you have raised.

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Excellent. Ask Bob about Juliet Guichon and where she gets her funding. 🤔. She is a a 'medical bioethicist at the University of Calgary'. Yesterday, she got a full article in the Calgary Herald. Bragged that 21 other university types were requiring fluoride ASAP. Not one name listed . No link to scientic studies provided. I don't think Lorne Motley, the Herald editor, had ever given the other side the time of day. Also - residents of many other communities receive Calgary water and of course - ARE NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE AT ALL!!!! Gondek can go too...

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Apr 7Liked by Dr M Trozzi

We should also consider that the Rockefellers transitioned from oil to pharmaceuticals (although they still own many oil companies) and the bulk of those drugs are petroleum based. I just don't see any "health" benefits there.

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Very true. Good point bud, forgot about that and appreciate you pin pointed it.

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Apr 7Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you. I do my best to try to think outside the box.

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Apr 7Liked by Dr M Trozzi

If you research before 1942, you will find that Chlorine is a medium used for mind control. It is in the encyclopedias. we have been had for a long time!!!

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Thank you for telling me, I did not know this. I will check this out for sure.

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Apr 7Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Hi Mark and Ted. Thank you for your wonderful Wins of the Week! I was the one who emailed The Highwire about Shawn Buckley and was so gratified to see him on the show. Just to let you know, I've let them know about you two as well, so don't be surprised if they get in touch with you!

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That's awesome Ashara! Nicely done!

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Apr 7Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Dr. William Makis MD., has said all the medical colleges across Canada are listed as private corporations. He only found that out because he applied for "Freedom of Information" for some documents... and the medical college's lawyers told him, "we do not need to give you any documents because we are not a government entity... we are private corporations." In this video interview, Dr. Makis says that this is very concerning, because it means that the medical colleges in each province in Canada are not accountable to the people at all. In essence, they can do whatever they want to the people. Listen to the interview here: https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-truth-warrior-david-whitehead?r=x2iu

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Thanks Lorna! I will watch and share this.

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Thanks Dr. Trozzi. After listening to Dr. Makis's interview, I am very concerned about what's happening within in the Medical College's in each province in Canada. I am praying everyday for a turnaround with the HealthCare in our country.

Thanks for sharing. It will help for more Canadians to know what's really going on in our health system.

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7Liked by Dr M Trozzi

"Nobody should be vaccinated - ever!". You've got my vote! At the risk of repeating myself...after suffering very bad colds and flu every year until 2009, when I saw how aggressively they were pushing the flu shot that year; I decided to never take another vaccine. I haven't been sick at all since 2009! That's also when I began going down that "rabbit hole". I'm still searching for truth. I find a lot of it right here.

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Apr 7Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Hi Dr. Trozzi , my first time listening to the wins with you and Ted Kuntz. I found it engrossing and thorough.

Especially egregious is the incremental move against natural supplements and vitamins, this is clearly something they perceive as a mortal threat to their corrupt business model.

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Thanks Terry. The links about this under related material provide more background. There is a short and concise video by myself, and a more detailed and thorough interview with Shawn Buckley.

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Apr 7Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I'm sure that Dr. Trozzi will agree with me on this (please correct me if I'm wrong); one of the worst things you can do in a "pandemic", legitimate or otherwise - is to over vaccinate. I believe that there is no such thing as "herd immunity" through vaccination - especially since the mRNA gene editing shots aren't "protecting" people from anything! People strengthen their immune systems by being exposed to viruses and bacteria (and allow the body's defenses to deal with it naturally) - not by trying to "vaccinate" their way out of it.

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Indeed Randy: a golden rule of vaccinology: "you never vaccinate your way out of a pandemic"

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I appreciate the confirmation, Dr. Trozzi.

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Thank you, Dr Trozzi. In this clip, this is what Professor Ian Brighthope here in Australia has to say about the vaccines: https://open.substack.com/pub/pharmafiles/p/prof-ian-brighthope-slams-experimental?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios

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Thanks David. I will check that out

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Apr 7Liked by Dr M Trozzi

To be highly recommended - the clip is short and perfectly to the point. Thank you!

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Apr 7Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thanks so much for these Wins of the Week. They offer hope to those of us who feel demoralized and sometimes feel nothing good is happening, in politics, the courts, the medical establishment, the media. We REALLY need to hear about these wins. God bless Mark and Ted.

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Given available data I think they should be adjudged guilty until poved innocent HOWEVER if ANY particular party wants to push the prosecution without coming forward on their own dime and admitting as to their culpabilbity { if it actually true} then let them ALL face upon conviction death by slow hanging and as they depart from this side of The Veil they can cognize on their departure WHERE they are destined to land. Mercy only for those who are willing to save The public any more "added" expense. And just think that 14 billion years the supposed age of The Universe is but a teardrop in the EYE of God and thenIMAGINE WHAT////ETERNAL SUFFERING looks like !!!! Ashes to Ashes and dust to dust but the spirit just passes into the lamentation of eternal Darkness andseparation FROM the Light.

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I am so incredibly grateful for the reporting of these wins of the week in one location! They are such a deep breath of hope in these dark warped times. Thank you for your intense stamina and courage to march on in this vicious battle to reinstate our God given freedoms, health and sanity! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Good Canadians across this land are gathering along highways, at overpasses like washago north of Orillia Ontario, to help awaken thousands of passersby. The level support we have gained over the past 5 months has been increasing Bigly...suffering of our countrymen and women and children has reached a level of evil that only the communists would deny.

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Have to remind you again that the entire Kennedy Family is Black Sun occult club. If we continue to just listen to the words we want to hear without actually researching their ACTIONS then we will walk right back into their control. It is what RFK Jr., is not saying that is dangerous. He is hiding his real actions. Do I need to be specific? As it would destroy the Kennedy's narrative script for playing the good guy role showing he does not mean what he is saying. Same with Pierre P., sound bytes sound good but he means it not by what the Conservatives are doing 24/7 to bring in the digital slavery. The exact same plan as Agenda 2030. You have got to see through this and recognize the patterns being played psychologically with the good guy bad guy script. The aides are who run the Politicians, these aides are the CIA. That has not changed in thousands of years of political control.

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Thanks Deborah. What action to you suggest in that case? Do the Americans or us vote for anyone, grab our pitchforks and torches, or what?

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I forgot to mention that Chlorine was the first mind control substance used. If you look up chlorine in the encyclopedia of before 1942 compared to now, you would see the HUGE difference as in '42 they state it is a brownish yellowish gas that is used as a medium for mind control by the military. We know now that it cuts off the pineal gland. Gee I wonder why? LOL

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Best action is Community representation. Each Community knows exactly what they need and who is the best person to convey the necessity once the Community puts it into a full Disclosure format and delegates those capable of facilitating the need. All in an order that is common critical thought out sense. Our Rights are written in our hearts as if it is good then it is good for the many when all agree with a Yay vote. Then forward we go. But us continuing to petition the criminals to change, then we are the nutters, as no criminal will admit to their own guilt. We have the right to remove them ALL from office but we have not followed through because we are too busy squabbling over who is who in the great divide. But tomorrows energy pattern will change drastically and those Spiritually prepared will excel with renewed energy and people will have their intuitions turned on again. Therefore good conversations will be had again once they figure out they can think again for themselves. I even tend to muse that the renewed energies will also turn off the EMF of the vaxxed so they can think too. It was specifically designed to get rid of chromosome # 8 our empathy which is the only bodily physical connection inside us to Directly connect Soul our Source to regenerate our cells( ATP production is that function). That evil began in 1991 with the Hep B vaccine and amplified with the covid vax. But then again with Dr. Judy Mikovits research during the AIDS research she noticed it then in the '70s. God bless us and may we realize no politician right now is a friend to humanity and has been that way for thousands of years. We just forgot by their nefarious means used against us. Bless you and Peace be with thee. The Spirit of Truth is upon , within us and around us therefore miracles will happen and are happening!

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Guilty until proved innocent/non-comnplicit AND if there needs to be a prosecution without the culprits coming forward and doing an appropriate pleading....death by slow hanging

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I like the reports andtheviewpoint standingfor the truth untill wins are made. Look up a youtube a video by dan Smoot done back in the early sixties, i believe "A Republic, nota democracy to see WHY se don't want a Democracy and WHY personnaly i won'tvote in tThe United States. Swe want Republics around the world and all this BS around Covid could never have occurred. All candidate3s under The Democaracy brought into The United States in 1871 as a defacto goverment and also a Corporation where ALL citizens names are written in upper Case format which is a one man corporation, a FICTIONAL ENTITY. No FICTIONAL ENTITY CAN EVER HAVE ANY rights as a live human being...onlya civil liberties GRANTED by the government as opposed to unalienable rights THAT comefrom The Creator. So i don't TRUST the narrative of ANY Politial Lederrunning for office UNDER the Democracy...which IZ "lite socialism" waitingop[portunistically for the WHOLE SOCIALISTIC P[ROGRAM TO BEIMPLEMENTED OUT OF THE bLUE. pUSH FOR A cONSTITUTION rePUBLIC....SERIOUSLY

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