I just today found out that Pfizer (Epoch Times) produced a special mRNA batch for their employees that was different that what was provided to the general population. Totally evil.

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Would you expect any less from those evil scum?

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Nope. But the beauty of it is that this can be pursued to present a case of fraud. If Pfizer knowingly committed fraud then they lose any immunity from prosecution. Maybe Dr. Cowan is already on this. Who knows, eh?

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Thank you for this weekly thread.

The U.K. needs to wake the ‘F’ up. It’s tiresome living amongst the sleepy people.

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About that NYT article...you all need to pay attention to the wording. These people are experts when it comes to messaging through "words". Notice that they say people "believe" that they were injured by the shots. I found a few articles and they're all the same. In one of them, a dean from Johns Hopkins is talking about misinformation. Be aware that Johns Hopkins was part of "Event 201"! In the following articles, they all mention that "some" were injured by the "vaccine", but were quick to point out how "rare" these cases are and of course, they "remind" us that MILLIONS of lives have been saved by these "vaccines". They always minimize the harm that's being done to humanity. That is just about the biggest lie in history! Nobody was "saved" by being injected with a SYNTHETIC spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, DNA fragments, including foreign DNA and other nefarious ingredients in the mRNA bioweapon shots! If those injections are saving millions of lives; then what is saving my life? I refuse to be injected with ANYTHING and I haven't had to worry about being sick with anything for many years. Fraud, Lies, Deception and Illusion - just to remind people.





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Thank you for sharing the news. It's uplifting. I do wish Canadians would speak up and out. I think more and more are awake but unfortunately most are maintain their typically Canadian "polite".

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Thank-you so much for all of this. You two are our Heroes of Canada.

I will continue to spread the word so that my children and Grand child can have a Free life under God and the rule of law.

God Bless.

RMRoss and family

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🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️

I like and appreciate wins of the week, thank you

. . . when you mentioned about phizer getting some fines, cost of doing business, and nobody going to jail (which should have happened) like for that POS bourla. Well the disgusting sackler family immediately comes to mind. How evil can these cretins get and nothing happens to them because of corp law.

"Two branches of the family control Purdue Pharma, which makes OxyContin but, unlike their company, none of the Sacklers are personally being sued over it."

"The pill is stronger than morphine and sparked the opioid crisis that’s now killing more than 100 people a day in America and has spawned millions of addicts. It’s also attracted a wave of lawsuits alleging ongoing deception about the safety of OxyContin, which the company had previously admitted misbranding in a 2007 criminal case."


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May 12·edited May 12

Senator Johnston definitely deserves to be recognized for all the hard work he's been involved in.

About Google: if you're looking for the truth, never ever search through Google or Microsoft - and also stay away from Wikipedia! Google almost has total control over the information on the internet. I search through Brave, Duck Duck Go and others...it doesn't matter. I still get pages of "Fact Checkers", including Politico and others. FOLLOW THE MONEY!

I'm listening to this video and I can tell you this: Pregnant women should never be injected with anything!

So much evil and so little time!

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I know I get marginally better searched with duck duck go. Perhaps a VPN will help. I volunteer for NCI in Canada. We use Proton mail and signal which helps with communication. I'm sure even these comments are tracked.

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I believe that everything is being tracked. I use a Microsoft mail account for everyday mail. For personal emails, I use either Mailfence or Tutamail (used to be Tutanota). It's my favourite for privacy. If you haven't heard of Tuta, you might want to check it out. The free account comes with twice the storage capacity of Mailfence and others and its encryption is second to none.


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May 12·edited May 12

Is it that time already?! I see some good progress here; although the bad, sticks out like a sore thumb!

All this "uncommon" and "rare", when it comes to these bioweapon injuries and deaths...how "rare" are millions of deaths, globally from the mRNA gene editing shots and at what point do those millions of injuries and deaths become unacceptable, to the point where the injections are stopped in their tracks? I'm thinking, that question is leaning toward rhetorical!

About the "spraying" of our skies...Are our skies not already saturated enough (for the past 75 years) with nano aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese, graphene, polymer fibers, surfactants, pathogens, etc.? The fact that the military is involved in this global agenda is NOT up for debate. It is very well documented and now, the "scientists" in academia are discussing and proposing the very actions that they deny has been ongoing for many decades - to "protect" us from "climate change", of course! I can offer links, if necessary. We are living in an insane asylum!

That spraying of the bacterial pesticide spray MUST be halted! We already have Monsanto's roundup ingredient GLYPHOSATE, in our blood - all of us. That chemical is ubiquitous! We're breathing in nano aluminum and nano plastics with every breath...How much more poisoning can humanity take? Trees are dying, because the aluminum that accumulates in the soil, is choking off their root systems. I haven't been out of BC, but if you live here and you can't see it - you need to take a closer look!

Many thanks to Dr. Trozzi and Ted Kuntz in advance. I'll get to the video shortly.

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Ok you are making this look like Pfizer was doing this depop all on their own without full knowledge of the global governments. If govt wasn't in on it the obvious harms would have been all it took to stop their promotion and removal from market.

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Pfizer, Moderna and DARPA/BARDA are all working together. The last time I looked; the military was NOT in the "healthcare" business!

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Good wins. Thanks for all of your good and ethical work. Blessings to you both.

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Great discussion Mark. Hope to find a way to make a difference.

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You CAN. Spread the word any way you CAN!!!

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Having had my donation returned because the PO stamped it “Address Incomplete” I am flagging that I have no way of reaching Dr. Trozzi otherwise. I am choosing not to donate by credit card., and sent a cheque. Surely there must be SOME WAY to reach you. I used the only address I could find on your messages. What to do now???

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I like the song but….. this is not a forum to promote your career! I

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I put this song up so to try to motivate people and you come up with this comment???

What career you talk about anyway???? The singer is not me! Check your fact next time.

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You’re correct. My mistake- I meant to say “ to promote someone’s career”

And, if you genuinely meant to motivate people, I do apologize for my criticism.

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Yes I was genuinely meaning to help with some motivation. I had post this few weeks ago along with 3 other songs but no one came across it I guess and just decided to put up this one as a comment. On that day I was so upset that I couldn't write anything so, that's when I decided to put something more motivating for me and then all of you. I think we all need some doses of love and hope... more than ever.

I appreciate you and the apology. Thank you.

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