Dr Trozzi versus CPSO | The next steps in the fight
See this video message and press release regarding the Dr Trozzi vs CPSO hearings next week, and Justice For Medicine.
Standing Against the CPSO
Thanks for watching and sharing this video message from myself regarding our next steps in the fight against the CPSO. This is a fight to restore health care, human rights, and the rule of law. Medical institutions have been weaponized against the people. The vast majority of doctors have been muzzled and coerrced by the CPSO into participating in the COVID-crimes-against-humanity. This continues to present enormous risk for everyone’s health and well being; especially as we know that further medical atrocities are being planned and implemented by the WHO and their controllers.
We need to restore ethical doctors’ licenses, and protect all innocent men, women, and children.
CPSO vs Dr Trozzi Hearing Details
Details regarding how to attend and witness the CPSO vs Dr Trozzi hearing June 13-16, 19-20, and July 17 will be added to this page in the next days, and included in the our newsletter. The hearing schedule is: opening submissions on June 13th; expert witness testimonies from June 13th to 16th, 19th,and 20th; and final legal arguments July 17th. Our expert witnesses will include Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Paul Alexander, and Deanna McLeod.
To attend the virtual proceedings, send an email to tribunal@opsdt.ca to request links to view the hearings online. You will need to request a separate link for each day of the hearings. They will make it very tedious with hopes that no one will attend and to avoid witnesses to the virtual meetings. You might write:
“Dear College of Physicians, Please send me whatever link(s) are needed to enable me to view the hearings regarding the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario v. Trozzi.”
Press Release
Toronto, June 6, 2023
Litigationworks is pleased to announce the creation of Justice for Medicine, a new initiative aimed at raising funds and awareness in connection with the on-going defence of Drs. Mark Trozzi, Patrick Phillips and Crystal Luchkiw before the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the provincial government’s COVID-19 enforcement body.
Much is at stake for doctors and patients, and indeed, all Canadians, in these three seminal cases. Our doctors are fighting for the fundamental rights that define us a free and democratic society:
the right to make sound medical choices without state interference based on the principle informed consent;
the right to freedom of expression in all matters, and particularly in those relating to medicine and public health;
the right to be free from state investigations and prosecutions that are not founded on reasonable and probable grounds (“probable cause”);
J4M is seeking public support to defend our doctors and their patients because their fate is intimately bound to the enjoyment of the rights and liberties guaranteed to everyone under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The J4M site provides a meeting place where everyone can get insider updates on the latest developments in our continuing defence efforts. It will also provide cutting-edge information combating the one-sided narrative around COVID-19 favoured by Western governments and mainstream media. This includes access to the latest articles, speeches and alt-media interviews featuring the doctors and their professional allies in Canada and around the world.
Currently, Dr Luchkiw is waiting for the College’s decision in her discipline hearing, which was held in mid-May. In a related action, she is also seeking leave to appeal to the Ontario Court of Appeal to challenge the College’s outrageous efforts to prosecute her without any evidence of patient harm and without meeting the most basic legal requirements for conducting a legitimate investigation.
In Dr Trozzi’s case, expert witnesses on both sides will be heard during discipline hearings at the College from June 13th-16th and 19th-20th; on July 17th, the parties will make their final legal arguments. Dr. Trozzi will also be challenging the College’s flagrant disregard of the need to establish reasonable and probable grounds before initiating an investigation; and, most importantly, he will be defending the right to speak freely in all matters of public concern, as guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In the course of his defence, he will make Canadian legal history by advancing a new basis for the defence of freedom of expression under the Charter.
Dr Phillips recently entered a plea of no contest in his own case, in part, so that resources can be devoted to the defence of first principles in the Luchkiw and Trozzi cases. However, in doing so, he has preserved the right to re-apply for his licence should the College Tribunal or the Ontario courts render a judgment in favour of his colleagues.
For media inquiries, please contact Michael Alexander by cell at 416-318-4512 and by e-mail at malexanderjd@protonmail.com.