How COVID “Vaccines” Cripple the Immune System | Part 4 of 5
Dr Trozzi explains antibody mediated selection in response to COVID injections.
About this video
Here is the fourth of five short videos to explain how the forced COVID injections damage their victims’ immune systems, rendering them more vulnerable to: coronaviruses and other infections, as well as cancer. Knowledge is power. In this fourth video we explain Antibody Mediated Selection: a process whereby the antibodies produced in response to the COVID injections, are driving the evolution of the coronavirus spike protein to circumvent the artificially induced antibodies. The resultant evolving coronavirus variants are particularly dangerous to the injected individuals. Also if these injection campaigns and ongoing boosters are not stopped, the spike protein could become so modified as to present unknown dangers even to naturally immune persons.
Thanks Iron Will and Strong and Free Canada for partnering to produce this 5 part series.
Here are all the videos in this series
Antibody Mediated Selection. This post
For a broader study of the forced COVID injections and how they cause injuries and death, see COVID “Vaccines” : How Dangerous Are They?
Thanks for studying the science and sharing the knowledge.