Wins of the Week Ep41 with Ted Kuntz
Team Humanity secures major victories globally and in Canada, from legal wins to political breakthroughs. Celebrate with us!
Call to Action: Witness
Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 8th, I will make history as the first doctor in Canada to challenge the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for their persecution of ethical doctors who refused to comply with the unscientific, dangerous COVID agenda. This is a pivotal moment for justice and the future of medicine in our country. Let’s hope Ontario’s courts seize this opportunity to correct the College’s abuse of power and take the first steps toward restoring ethical medicine in Canada.
Please join Michael Alexander and me by witnessing the hearing at 10 a.m. We need to show the court that the public is watching and that the court of public opinion is very much in session.
Zoom Link:
Meeting Passcode: 775651.
For more context, here's an excellent update on the case from Constitutional Lawyer Michael Alexander alongside another Canadian hero, Derek Sloan. (Click Here)
The Wins!
We're in the midst of a storm, and while this week has brought its share of challenges, Team Humanity has also celebrated some incredible victories—both in Canada and around the world! In a bold move, the Speaker of the House of Commons has suspended all business in the House. Meanwhile, across the border, heroes in the US are making strides toward removing immunity provisions that shield pharmaceutical companies from liability for vaccine injuries. Internationally, the Austrian Freedom Party has just scored a historic win in their national elections! Back home, Premier Smith is standing strong against Trudeau, and CTV National News has issued an “irrevocable apology.” On top of that, a monumental ruling from Canada’s Supreme Court has upheld provincial autonomy over natural resources—yet another win worth celebrating!
And that's just scratching the surface. There are so many more victories to honor this week! Thank you for tuning in to the 41st episode of Wins of the Week—we're thrilled to have you with us and hope you're feeling uplifted and inspired by all the positive momentum!
Credits + Links
Vaccine Choice Canada: Take advantage of the resources and events at Vaccine Choice Canada and help support the important VCC mission.
Music by "Nature Healing Society”
National Citizens Inquiry Fall hearings October 17, 18, 19 in Vancouver: “Are Children Safe In Canada?” (Click Here)

Wins of the Week – October 5 2024
The speaker of the House of Commons has suspended all of the business in the House. This a result of the failure of the Trudeau government to hand over documents to the RCMP. The background is a motion was brought forth in Parliament by the Conservative party regarding the Auditor General and the Ethics Commissioner's findings of misuse of government funds as a result of the investigation completed on Sustainable Development Technology Canada. It was found that the board of directors and executives had gone against its mandate by approving projects for funding that are ineligible for government funds and had violated the Conflict of Interest Act multiple times. This motion demanded that the Trudeau government hand all documents over to the RCMP within 30 days. This 30-day deadline passed and all that was submitted was redacted documents and the government then fell into contempt of the House of Commons. The Liberal government argued that they believed the motion violated Charter rights. But the Speaker of the House, Greg Fergus, did not accept this argument and ruled that the Trudeau government defied the authority of Parliament. The speaker suspended all of the government business in the House until they comply. (More Info)
With the introduction of H.R. 9828, the End the Vaccine Carveout Act, Congressman Paul Gosar is seeking to correct the 1986 National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act by removing the immunity provisions that shield pharmaceutical companies from liability for vaccine injuries. This bill represents a turning point in the public health landscape, ushering in a long-overdue conversation about accountability and safety. The lack of liability for vaccine manufacturers has undermined one of the most effective mechanisms for ensuring product safety: the risk of legal action. In virtually every other industry, liability is a form of quality control. Companies are held responsible if a product causes harm, incentivizing them to improve safety standards. Without this safeguard, vaccine manufacturers have little incentive to ensure their products are as safe as possible. The immunity from liability is a 40 year mistake and the time has come to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers. It’s only logical that we demand and expect the same level of safety and responsibility from vaccine makers as we do from every other industry.
Austrian Freedom Party Scores Historic Victory In National Election. Austria's Freedom Party scored a historic victory on Sunday, winning the most votes in the country's national election for the first time. While the ruling government is doing everything it can to prevent the Freedom Party from taking control of the government, the wishes of the people is loud and clear. (More Info)
Telling It Like It Is
RFK Jr. revealed this week how the American food supply became so toxic. He says that the criminals from the tobacco industry “switched strategies” and began “buying up all the food companies”. “They took thousands of scientists from the tobacco industry” and “they learned ways to create chemicals to put in our foods… that make them literally addictive and make them so that they don’t satisfy your appetite. “These were chemicals that did not occur in nature that the human body did not evolve to handle. And they started mass poisoning the American public. And all of these diseases started then.” And the government doesn’t bat an eye because “those companies own and dominate the FDA, and the USDA is owned by Big Ag, which is now on a war to destroy small farmers in this country. And to give us poison food.”
Trudeau has appointed one of his own to a Senate position for Alberta, ignoring the efforts by Albertans to choose their own Senator appointment. Premier Smith’s response, posted on X, criticized the senate appointment saying “Albertans’ interests have once again been blatantly disregarded by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Despite our province’s repeated democratic election of senators-in-waiting ready to represent Albertans’ interests, he has chosen to appoint a left wing partisan who will do whatever he and the Liberals order him to. The Senate continues to lose credibility as an institution and needs to be entirely reformed.”
CTV National News has issued the “irrevocable apology” required by Pierre Poilievre and removed two members of its team after an internal investigation found they had altered a video of the Conservative Party Leader. The network said the investigation found that “two members of the CTV News team are responsible for altering a video clip, manipulating it for a particular story,” calling the violation of its editorial standards “unacceptable.” “Those individuals are no longer members of the CTV News team,” says the statement. (More Info)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shared three rules everyone needs to remember. (More Info)
When you give a government a power, it will never voluntarily relinquish it
If you give a government a power, it will ultimately abuse that power to the maximum extent possible
Nobody ever complied their way out of totalitarianism
In-house Privy Council research shows that a significant portion of the Canadian population is not buying the 'climate change' agenda despite the constant fear-mongering by the government of Canada and media. The research, which questioned 13,700 Canadians, discovered that climate change is not at the forefront of Canadians’ minds, with many pointing out that prediction models are not accurate, and Canada could actually benefit from climate change. The poll found that 35 percent of Canadians felt that “the impacts of climate change in Canada will be overwhelmingly positive because it is a cold country.” Similarly, nearly half of those polled believe that “adapting to the impacts of climate change is cheaper than preventing it.” 24 percent believed that most climate models are not accurate in their predictions. (More Info)
Julian Assange has broken his silence, and he says the only reason he is now free is because he “pled guilty to journalism.” He called out the U.S. government for turning journalism into a crime, warning that his case is just the beginning. (More Info)
Investigation has begun into an Australian Federal Court Judge accused of hiding her ties to Pfizer. Federal Court Judge Helen Rofe is the subject of the investigation after presiding over the Fidge v. Pfizer, Moderna case. The case involved Julian Fidge, a General Practitioner and pharmacist who alleged the mRNA covid vaccines contain genetically modified organisms and that Pfizer and Moderna failed to obtain the necessary licenses to distribute the vaccines in Australia - a criminal offence under the Gene Technology Act 2000. But before any evidence could be heard, Judge Rofe dismissed the case in March 2024. After the decision was handed down, it was revealed that Judge Rofe had undisclosed ties to Pfizer. Rofe had represented Pfizer on at least five occasions between 2003-2006. The Law firm PJ O’Brien & Associates, acting for Dr Fidge, filed a complaint with the Federal Court, who is now investigating Judge Rofe. The complaint against Justice Rofe alleges serious misconduct possibly rising to misbehaviour for failing to recuse herself from the case or disclose her significant prior relationship with Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry.
Two court rulings have dealt a blow to Trudeau’s environmental laws after provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan took on the federal government over laws impacting important industries. The most recent was when the Federal Court of Canada overturned the Trudeau government’s ban on single-use plastic, calling it “unreasonable and unconstitutional.” The second ruling comes after Canada’s Supreme Court sided in favor of provincial autonomy when it comes to natural resources. The Supreme Court ruled that Trudeau’s law, C-69, dubbed the “no-more pipelines” bill, is “mostly unconstitutional.” This was a huge win for Alberta and Saskatchewan, which challenged the law in court. The decision returned authority over resource pipelines to provincial governments, meaning oil and gas projects headed up by the provinces should be allowed to proceed without federal intrusion. (More Info)
Last week, the American Frontline Doctors filed an amici curiae brief to the Supreme Court in the critical case, Johnson v. Kotek. In Johnson v. Kotek, teachers, healthcare workers, and state employees faced a choice—get the jab or lose their jobs. This was unconstitutional, and unethical. By filing this amici brief, they are pushing the Supreme Court to hear this case and reverse the lower courts’ rulings, which ignored these gross violations. They hold that the Ninth Circuit’s dismissal of our constitutional liberties cannot stand—and the Supreme Court must intervene to deliver justice to We the People. Winning this could reshape the future of your medical freedom—and the rights of millions of Americans. This case could set a lasting precedent to safeguard medical freedom for future generations. (More Info)
A Virginia school board has agreed to pay $575k to a teacher fired for refusing to use transgender pronouns. The West Point School Board agreed to change its policies and pay $575,000 in damages and attorneys’ fees to Peter Vlaming, who was fired for avoiding the use of pronouns to refer to a gender-confused student. The settlement follows last December’s landmark Virginia Supreme Court opinion in Vlaming’s favor affirming that the Virginia Constitution contains robust free speech and free exercise protections for public employees. “Peter wasn’t fired for something he said; he was fired for something he couldn’t say. In December, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that it would reinstate Vlaming’s lawsuit after a lower court dismissed his case. In its opinion, the commonwealth’s high court wrote that the Virginia Constitution “seeks to protect diversity of thought, diversity of speech, diversity of religion, and diversity of opinion.” (More Info)
Independent New Zealand journalist Chantelle Baker has successfully closed out a defamation lawsuit against The New Zealand Herald with an undisclosed cash settlement awarded in her favour. The legal action arose from a 2023 front-page article accusing her of spreading misinformation. The settlement, while not involving a direct apology, included the removal of certain statements from the article, which Baker believes is a step towards accountability. She explained that her decision to settle was partly financial, allowing her to pursue further legal action against another biased NZ media outlet. She said that media organisations must now be more cautious, as they understand individuals like her are finally willing to take legal action if necessary. Despite the significance of her win, Baker noted that mainstream media in New Zealand has largely ignored the story. She believes the lack of coverage is because it reveals vulnerabilities in mainstream media outlets and shows that individuals can challenge and win against them. (More Info)
Citizen Action
Stand for Health Freedom has initiated a citizen action campaign to ‘end pharma’s free ride’. H.R.9828 was introduced on September 25, 2024, this bill would change the 1986 Act which removed liability from vaccine makers and allow Americans injured by vaccines to have their day in court again. SFHT has created a platform to deliver a message to one’s elected representatives in the US. The message states: “I urge you to strengthen the health and safety of Americans, address vaccine hesitancy, and restore constitutional rights by supporting HR9828, the End the Vaccine Carveout Act.” We need similar action in Canada. (More Info)
Women’s groups, athletes, 22 states, and many education advocates have filed friend-of-the-court briefs asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit to halt the Biden-Harris administration’s unlawful attempt to redefine “sex” to include “gender identity” in Title IX, a federal law designed to create equal opportunities for women in education and athletics. Women and girls deserve personal privacy, and that is “[not] because of bigotry; it is a natural instinct rooted in biological realities,” the brief filed by Independent Women’s Law Center, Women’s Declaration International USA, and Concerned Women for America. (More Info)
People donated $25,000 to Druthers in 24 hours!! Shawn Jason with Druthers sent out an emergency email this week saying they were $14k short on the funding they needed for the October edition of Druthers. And Canadians responded. In 24 hours, you all stepped up and donated $25k!! It was an astounding response to Shawn’s email and it shows how much support there is for Druthers. Druthers got the $14k they needed PLUS they are able to start this month's fundraiser with $11k right out of the gates. We love our Druthers.
Christine Massey, a former cancer biostatistician and an advocate for safe drinking water, has been asking health departments around the world: “Do you have evidence of an isolated virus?” Massey has requested Freedom of Information evidence from health/science institutions around the world and has received 225 and responses indicating they have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged COVID virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever! She most recently filed a freedom of information order with Frank Kim acting as County Executive Officer, County Administration North, Orange County for all studies/reports held by the institution that scientifically provide either evidence of the existence of the alleged covid-19 virus, or demonstrate contagion of the illness / symptoms that are allegedly caused by said purported ‘virus’. Kin responded by writing, “the Health Care Agency is unable to locate records responsive to your request”. Kin has since retired. (More Info)
At the U.S. Senate roundtable discussion taking aim at the state of America’s health and nutrition, expert panelists spoke truths about Big Pharma and Big Medicine. One health expert, Calley Means, warned the Senate to ‘distrust’ almost every institution’s nutrition, chronic disease advice. He said: “When it comes to the chronic conditions that are plaguing our lives, we should distrust almost every institution regarding nutrition or chronic disease advice.” Means, previously worked as a consultant for food and pharmaceutical companies. We are getting sick. Nine out of 10 killers of Americans — 90 percent of medical costs — are from a weaponized food system. “The devil’s bargain comes in in that this ultra-processed food consumption has been one of the most profitable dynamics in American history for the healthcare industry as we’ve all just been decimated with chronic conditions. The medical industry has not only been silent on this issue, they’ve actually been complicit.” (More Info)
Several U.S. cities, towns and counties announced they will stop fluoridating their water in the aftermath of a landmark federal court ruling that found water fluoridation at current levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children. Abilene, Texas; Yorktown and Somers, New York; and the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District in Utah are among those cities and districts that responded quickly to the Sept. 24 ruling by U.S. District Judge Edward Chen. Rick North, board member of the Fluoride Action Network expects more cities and towns to announce they will end the practice of fluoridation. “Fluoridation is a house of cards and it’s going to fall,” North said. “It’s only a matter of when. Our job is to make the wind blow.” (More Info)
Saturday marked the final day of the International Crisis Summit (ICS), an annual conference where independent scientists and experts from around the world exchange data and ideas. This year’s summit, held in Tokyo, featured dozens of speakers who discussed governmental tyranny, censorship, and the dangers of mRNA vaccines. More than 20,000 Japanese attended the rally.
Sending many prayers for you tomorrow Dr. Trozzi!
Good Evening Dr Mark Trozzi and Ted Kuntz,
Thank-you for this "WINS of the Week" . Just love listening to you guys talking about the World's People crushing down the tyrannical monsters but you know, they are cowards when you single them out. ALL OF THEM.
Last night I was watching an episode of HOUSE on Net fix ( No TV for 21 years myself. Well done TED <3 ) and this Medical mishap in the embryo you were speaking of does happen .I didn't know. Rare too. If you are interested, it is on Season 5 Ep 16 "The Softer Side" HE was born with both genitalia. "They called it a Mozaic Syndrome"
Anyway, I had a customer come into my shop and actually say to me that she wasn't feeling well. I asked her what happened and she actually admitted that she took the "Shot" and now she has heart trouble. She said, "I know it was the VX." I told her in 4 1/2 years she was the first person to admit it to me this happened. Her husband too. Not well. They had their shots at the same time. That was a clue and they are both seniors in their mid -late 70's. I felt so bad for her but she said she is doing everything in her power to stay well. So many like this. Anyway, I hope and pray that you have VICTORY with the CPSO. They are vermin and you will crush them too. The bad guys are feeling the pressure.
We love you both and pray every day for Victory .Small steps, we will prevail. <3 <3 <3
Regards Rolonne Marie Ross