Are there harder lockdowns ahead?
Past UK Health Minister states "Britain must prepare for harder lockdowns". Dr David Bell advises "It's time to challenge the WHO".
James Roguski continues to lead the charge, and Dr Robert Malone shares insights for the naive who think it’s over.
Matt Hancock, UK's COVID launch-time Health secretary declared that "Britain must prepare for harder lockdowns"
“Britain must prepare for wider, earlier and more stringent lockdowns in the face of future pandemics,” Matt Hancock has claimed. The former health secretary told the COVID Inquiry that failing to plan for restrictions on civil liberties was a flaw in the Government’s “woefully inadequate” pandemic strategy. Mr Hancock, who was in office from 2018 to 2021, said that even before COVID hit in 2020 he thought it was “an oversight not to consider lockdowns” during a pandemic. He made the claim despite mounting evidence that lockdown has caused more harm than the pandemic, from soaring child mental health referrals to a “cancer bomb” of patients whose treatment was delayed alongside a struggling economy. David Davis criticised his former Cabinet colleague, saying that lockdowns were “ill-conceived and based on scientific guesswork, not science”. Read more.
It's Time for MPs to challenge the World Health Organization’s power and money grab
Dr David Bell regarding the IHR amendments and WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty that we have been warning about: “These pandemic instruments are founded on a fallacy regarding the frequency and impact of pandemics and would, if ratified, fundamentally change the relationship between the WHO and national governments and their citizens. Of particular concern are the amendments to the IHR which constitute a dangerous increase in power and authority bestowed on just one person. The Director General would be able to proclaim health emergencies, whether real or potential, on any health-related matter that they, influenced by their private and corporate funders, say is a threat. The WHO would be able to issue legally binding directions to member states and their citizens. In light of the catastrophic harms the WHO’s policies have caused during this pandemic, probably greater than the virus itself, the potential economic and health-related harms of such power cannot be overstated. There is a vast pandemic industry waiting for these buttons to be pushed and I am in no doubt that policymakers should reject WHO’s pandemic proposals.” Read more.
Dr Robert Malone with London Real shares a wake up call to the naive thought it over
The WHO is the conduit through which the criminal COVID enterprise imposed lockdowns, masks, deadly injections and more. We must exit the WHO before its too late.
Voting to De-fund and Exit the WHO at the WCH Better Way Conference: Shabnam Palesa Mohamed
The Right Thing To Do Is Exit The WHO. James Roguski
Lockdowns and Mandates killed
What really killed the Italians? A spreading virus, or policies turned on by governments? Dr Mark Trozzi October 19, 2022
WCH Rejecting WHO Monopoly Power Over Public Health. Announcing The World Council For Health’s policy & briefing document regarding The World Health Organization’s dangerous power grabs & threats to human rights & health.