The COVID Agenda Exposed in 2009!
13 years ago Jessie Ventura interviewed Alex Jones and they warned of the coming events.
Early Warnings of Corruption and Harm
13 years ago Jessie Ventura interviewed Alex Jones behind a warehouse, then Dr Rima Laibow in a private landing strip. They warned of the UN, the WHO, the Bildeberg Group, planned pandemics, forced injections, population reduction and sterilization. This five minute clip from 2009 warrants a gander.
The Full Episode of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Venture Season 1 Episode 5: Secret Societies the Bilderbergs, Global Death Plot, Dr Rima Laibow.
Find more from the individuals featured in the video above at the links below
Dr Rima Laibow is a co-founder of PreventGenocide2030 where you can take action to end genocide and stop the WHO.